Mgr. Vladislav Kos Lecturer, psychologist and improvisational actor. He runs the improvisation school Improacademy. He applies improvisational techniques in the field of personal development and is co-author of the Improlingua methodology for language education. As a lecturer, he specializes in training in the field of labour market, managerial competences, creative communication, teamwork, leadership, motivation and evaluation. His teaching focuses on the learning by doing system of work
Mgr. Michal Urban Graduated in "Teaching for Secondary Schools in English Language and Geography" at the OU. He works as a teacher at the secondary school of Prof. Zdeněk Matějček in Ostrava. Michal has also long experience of teaching English in the private sphere as well as in interpreting and translating across various disciplines. He has been actively developing and using the Improlingua method in his teaching practice for 5 years. He is fortunate that his work is also his hobby. Father of two and passionate cyclist.
Bc. Jitka Vegrichtová Graduated in Public Administration, Regional Policy (specialization Social Policy and Social Work). Since 2004 she has been working in the field of management and administration of EU and Norway Grants funded projects in the field of human resources and social inclusion. She has experience in project evaluation.
Mgr. art Katarína Baranová, ArtD Director of Ludus School, teacher with 20 years of teaching experience, lecturer of workshops for children and adults (e.g. drama education in kindergarten) - author of "Creative Techniques in Teaching" and "Concepts of Improvisational Theatre Battles for Students", author of continuing education for kindergarten and primary school teachers - acting coach for children - long-time health clown in the organization Clowndoctors Red Nose
Mgr. art Kamil Kollárik Teacher with many years of experience in the audiovisual industry, theatre, radio, dubbing - since 2009 a teacher of creative drama education and as an acting coach for children. Kamil is a promoter and organizer of regular stand-up comedy evenings.
Artur Jóskowiak President of the company, Artistic Director of the DOLi Festival - improviser, teacher, improv and business coach, comedian, broadcaster. He is a graduate of Polish Philology at Wroclaw University. He has studied improvisation with foreign experts, including from the USA, Austria, Great Britain, France, Israel, Argentina, Slovenia. He is a co-founder of the improvisational theatre IMPROCRATION, which has been operating since 2011. He conducts workshops in improvisational theatre and tries to apply elements of improvisation to the field of business (use of improvisational techniques in business). He is also the founder and trainer of the Improv Academy (a company providing training in soft skills based on improvisation techniques). He is part of the duo “Dway Panowje” and actor in the projects "PAPTAK" and "Slavic Party 24/7".
Anna Wojtkowiak - Williams Graduated in pantomime in 2003 and completed a master's degree in cultural studies at the University of Wrocław (2005). Anna is pantomime actress, improviser, clown, clown trainer. Since 2005 she has been teaching children and youth pantomime and improvisation (children with special educational needs, in puppet theatre in Wroclaw, Trzebnica cultural house - for Polish and Ukrainian students, in Children's Hospital in Warsaw - for physically disabled patients). Since 2011 she has been associated with the improvisational theatre IMPROKRACJA. She is also a co-founder of the duo Liquidmime and winner of many comedy competitions. Since 2012, she has been the Artistic Director of the Czerwony Noski Klown Foundation in the hospital (partner of Red Noses International). Since 2012 she has been working as an improvisational actress at Improkracja Theatre.