06.1 Circle

Použití: Cvičení, Warm Up

Equipment needed:

- a small balloon for throwing


Pupils stand in a circle, one of them holds a balloon and throws it to his classmate. At the same time as the balloon is thrown, he or she says a word. The classmate who catches the balloon throws it to someone else and says another word during the toss that is somehow related to the previous word (association).

There are two types of basic associations:

- CHAIN - the next word comes from the previous one (one after the other), e.g. writer - book - paper - printing - paint - painting,

- STAR - it comes from a central word (topic) to which all the spoken words are related; e.g. HOLIDAY - sea, food, hotel, plane.

It is important not to evaluate the relationship of individual words; each pupil has their own associations as a result of individual experiences, which may not always be obvious to other classmates.

Variations, alternatives:

- Without the balloon: pupils stand in a circle, clap and in the third beat they must always say the associated word - starting with the chosen pupil or teacher who passes the word to the next pupil by eye contact,

- It is possible to limit the words to certain word classes.


06.1 Circle

Equipment: a ball
of pupils: all
short: say words fast

thematic vocabulary
add adjectives
word classes
...see the instructions for more
encourages listening, helps to keep the attention of all pupils during the game

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