01. MC Word

Použití: Cvičení, Warm Up


Pupils are divided into pairs (or triplets), stand facing each other and gradually cover their outstretched hands with their palms (one after the other, as if playing a grinder). At each overlap, they say any English word that comes to mind. In this way, layer by layer, they form an imaginary (and often hard to digest 😊) hamburger.

The ideal time for this exercise is 2 minutes. The aim of this exercise is to teach pupils not to overthink and to use words they know. This gives the more able pupils plenty of space to get a bit wordy and the weaker ones space to talk a bit.

Change the pairs several times.

Variations, alternatives:

- Thematic repetition of vocabulary (topic, word classes), association to the previous word

- Expand on noun + adjective combinations


01. MC Word

Number of pupils: pairs or triplets

In short: give any words on your mind


· thematic vocabulary,

· association,

· add adjectives

- do not judge word choice

- do not correct mistakes

- support self esteem

- maintain the flow

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